Sunday, September 25, 2016


Technology has one of the biggest effects on the development of children. Now that children have full access to everything that is on the internet they have the ability to gain the same knowledge as a grown adult. When I was a kid I had to be home when the street lights came on, now kids have to be home when their parents call them or facetime them. Scholars are saying sexual maturation happens six years earlier than it did in the 1850's. They estimate this age to be about 7. From the large amount of knowledge children have at such an early age of adolescence this has shortened the time of early adult hood. Adultolescence is the time between adolescence and adulthood. It says, "puberty is not so much a fixed physical state as it is a complex sociological experience". The dangers of children being able to view anything via the internet includes watching live surgeries on youtube, vulgar television shows, rated R movies, urban dictionary searches, all social media, and even pornography. Some parents will attempt to monitor what the child searches, but I am sure the kids are smart enough to erase their searches. The average lifespan has nearly doubled since the 1850's. According to the American Fertility Association the average couple gets married at her 25 years of age and his 27 years of age. I do have to wonder why there is a two year age gap. These ages are up % years since the 1960's. Women are also having babies much later than in prior years. The article says “Right now, we’re in the era of the 40-year-old mother,” said Arrison “There will be a time when we’re in the era of the 70-year-old mother", this surprised me because I never thought about the change in parenthood age. In my grandparents era they wanted to have kids as soon as they got married. I seem to notice many young newly weds want to have a honeymoon phase after marriage before they begin to have kids. I am not sure if this has any correlation to conception issues, but it wouldn't surprise me. I believe it is also taking people longer to land a "good job" after college. I also see some young couples wanting to travel before settling down. If technology and research is allowing us to live longer and grow up earlier will the average person in time live to be over 100?

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