Sunday, October 2, 2016

1. Bandwagon ads: Bandwagon advertising uses a techniques to try to convince an individual that a product is worth purchasing no matter the price. If it is good for them it is good for you. You can "jump on the bandwagon". If everyone else is doing it why don't you have the privileged to do it as well. 

2. Experts: Having or showing special skill because of what you have been taught. Coming from knowledge or experience. The knowledge might not even need to be proven, backed up or explained. 

3. Plain Folks: advertisers will use 'plain folk' making the product relateable to the regular people in the world. This is supposed to relate to mostly middle class white Americans.  Walmart, Target, and Kohl's are all examples of very general middle class store. Walmart's slogan is save money live better.

4.Celebrities- "giving a face to the name", companies will use famous celebrities that most people know to produce their product. They try to choose classy celebrities most people will recognize from a quick glance. Like OPI nail polish introducing annual justin bieber colors. 

Intermediate ads:

.1. Name-calling - This advertisement technique links a person or object to a negative symbol. By saying that something is negative, it makes people want to steer away from that item, regardless if there is actual proof that that statement is the truth. Like the way fast food resteraunts go after eachother, claiming to both have a "better" product.

2. New: old is considering boring. We all want to make new improvements and inventions. Companies will make a simple change and consider it a new product. Every year new car dealerships come out with "new" cars, but how many improvements are their really on that new car? improvements that aren't physical?

3. Nostalgia - Advertisers portray more traditional images. It relates to the "good old days". It is often used to make you feel at home with traditional images. images of Marilynn Monroe and the ionic "we can do it" rosie the rivitter. 

4. Scientific Evidence - Many people believe in science and scientists; so without proof people automatically believe scientists. While usully scientists cannot explain in the allotted time their methods, there is no need to prove it. All the new age defying wrinkle creams fall under this category. 

Advanced ads:
1. Scapegoating: Related to the loss of jobs is because of how much exportation happens to and from China.  Scapegoating is used here to claim that the loss of jobs in the United States is 'only' due to China. 

2. Analogy - This advertising technique uses a comparison to persuade consumers in a compare and contrast sinerio. Sometimes Old and New is compared, or clean and dirty.

3. Ad Hominem: Used when in need to attack the opponent. It is when they are usually out of data or out of an argument. Usually one party blames the other for "the problem" claiming they have the solution. 

4. Majority Belief -It uses the concept that if a majority of people believe something, then it must be true. Very similar to the "Bandwagon" technique.

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