Sunday, October 30, 2016

Boys, Girls and Toys- Oh My

The video we viewed about the little girl in the toy shop was so ironic. Little kids tend to always pick up on the little things like that. I agreed with her why cant little  girls own anything that isn't pink. Any store you walk into there is a bright pink toy section and a bright blue toy section. There are no gender neutral toys or even clothing. I would be overwhelmed in a toy store. The boy's section is nothing but blue while the girls is nothing but pink. The boy's toys are very manly and have lots of weapons involved. The girls side has lots of dolls.

In my research there was many toys that stood out to me as typical gender associated toys, but this one got under my skin. Of course the two different colors, but the fact that the boy has a medical bag while the girl has more of a purse. Lil' nurse and jr. Doctor, not only  is it a gender stereotyped toy it is also completely wrong by degrading women. Why can't the little girl be a doctor? Why can't the little boy be a nurse? Men in the nursing field are degraded and under appreciated. There are many few male nurses and I believe it is because it is not respected if a man is a nurse. This toy fits all the gender stereotypes.

Another toy stereotype but this time a puzzle and its packaging. Why can't the women have a tool box? Why can't the boys carry a pen and paper or candy in their handbag? Of course we see the typical blue and pink toys, but we also see the early expectation of young girls who need things in their handbag to enhance their beauty. We also see the early expectation that boys need to be able to fix things and repair broken things.
As a child I took after my older sister who hated pink, if she didn't want to wear or own anything pink neither did I. One year for christmas my sister and I decided we didn't want santa to bring us anything pink or dolls for christmas, let's just say my mom had a million mini panic attacks every store she went to as the little girl's section was filled with pink. Somehow she pulled it off that we received no pink. It just goes to show that some advertisements are wrong, not all little girls love pink and dolls.

1 comment:

  1. Those were some great examples of gendered toys. I agree that it is not right to have such a drastic divide between boys and girls, because it is sending the wrong messages to them. There is definitely a need for more gender neutral toys.
