Sunday, October 23, 2016

Christy Mack's Beating

In the middle of the night Christy Mack's ex boyfriend, "war machine", an MMA fighter showed up at her house uninvited. Jonathan Koppenhaver began to beat her and her friend once he found them together. He then continued to violate just Christy. he made her undress and shower then continued to beat her. Jonathan then continued to cut off a lot of her hair with a dull knife. When he realized the knife was too dull he went to the kitchen to find another. Christy with many severer injuries took off running at this time. Once someone finally opened the door for Christy she was rushed to the hospital where they found out she had 10 broken bones, a broken nose, missing and broken teeth, a fractured rib and a severely ruptured liver from a kick to her side. Her friend also had multiple abrasions and a few bone fractures. 
First of all the article discloses in the title the fact that she is a porn star. The next thing you see is a promiscuous photo of her with a snap back hat on. I believe they were trying to make you think of her in a certain way before even viewing the article. The article also mentions the fact that "war machine" has been involved in the pornography as well. The article also mentions the age gap between Christy (23) and Jonathan (32). At the end of the article is of course copies of both parties tweets and horrific photographs of her injuries. 

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