Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sound and Furry

Sound a Fury is an article about Fred Phelps. He is a pastor at the Westboro church, but he is not so holy. He was found violating his wife and 13 kids on multiple occasions. 4 of them left home and never went back. From not being able to participate in extracurricular activities, to not being allowed to celebrate holidays, to being forced to run daily, he physically and mentally abuses all of his children. His kids age range from small children to adults. Two of the children are found with horrible bruises all over their backside and back of their legs, to the point where they cannot walk. The school takes action, but it is overlooked because Fred says they had bad grades. They all are forced to participate in the selling of chocolate bars to keep up with family expenses. This is one of the only forms of income the family has, they travel from city to city. Fred's children being to act out and attempt to run. Each relationship one of the kids has Fred does not approve. Unless they run way/elope they are never wanted in the family. Most of the kids ran away with their loved ones to start a family. Each child has their fate determined since like birth, and are punished if they go outside of it. Fred was no longer allowed to practice law due to false accusations. Many articles and and publicity were published on the Phelps family.
The scariest part is Fred probably didn't only abuse his own family. I am sure there are many other unknown or closet cases of his abuse. What shakes me the most about this story is that the neighbor's definitely knew this abuse was occurring. If they were selling chocolate bars in their neighborhood as income, being beaten so bad they had to always over up, and the attempts to escape always ended up with the whole family running around the area looking for the escaped child, how did no one say anything? How did no one else see the belt marks and bruises? Someone had to have heard screaming. This is just an extreme case that should have been dealt with long ago.

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