Sunday, October 23, 2016

Gender and the Military

This article took me by surprise. This took me by such a shock because the fact that women do not even have equality yet. The first female who went to ranger school and graduated was only September of last year. While I have known many "butch" females who joined the military I also know many people who are transgender (FtM) who are also in the military. This is a big issue because it will cost the military a lot of money, the shower curtains, and increase amount of female products. I also believe it is worth every penny. I soon wonder when the first case of inequality will come up because it is bound to happen. It will probably go viral as well. I also wonder if the females are allowed to use the restroom when needed. Most of the men are told to turn around and pee during training that way you do not miss any training time. I also wonder in the field how women will be able to cleanse themselves and wipe, if not an infection could happen. I believe military wives are cut more slack then military husbands. I have a feeling many military men have self-esteem issues because they cannot support their family financially. 
While the military has had a regiment for HIB law, it is still ongoing. It is to prove yourself as initiation. When walking up to a new platoon there is a large group of young men and a few in charge. To prove to your commander how dedicated you are there is many forms of old time harassment that occur. The one my National Guard boyfriend talks about is koalifying, the person to hug the tree upside down the longest wins. He won so he "proved himself", whoever won got the reward of choosing where they stood in the combat triangle (a combat triangle is a formation used in combat when going through a very wooded area to stay tight together). He chose point man on the triangle. Another thing they do is the person who finishes the ruck march or march for miles last has to clean the bay that night. 
Harassment has caused many issues in the military, but my personal opinion is it will not stop. the article talks about, "focus on the mental and emotional well-being of anyone who wishes to serve,” but the army is not about the emotional and mental stability. The military's goal is to tear you down and build you up from nothing, that is not mental stability. It also does not care about your emotional issues. Unless a close family member died they show almost no mercy. I believe if you join the military you understand what you're signing up for. The media does not present or portray the soldiers a certain way, they are accurate. You are to be a strong soldier no matter what.

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