One of my favorite shows is How I met your mother, it is not exactly a reality television show, but I do not watch television. I only watch How I met your mother and friends, which are both on netflix. The gender roles are definite on How I met your mother. Lily and Marshal or marshmallow and lilypad have been together since the first day of college. He is a lawyer who brings home the bacon she is a shopaholic teacher. They are a very stereotypical young and in one couple. Barney is one of the most interesting characters as he is your typical bachelor. He has slept with a girl from every country, he video tapes every time he has intercourse, and his goal is to never get old. He is also making good money, at the same company as Marshal yet does nothing. Barney's gender role is met, his love for being a bachelor is very typical on shows where the young man is very wealthy. Ted is a boring architect who cannot seem to find love. He gets his heart broken all the time and it is always by a girl he really loves. He is trying to find the american dream, a wife, house, family, and being successful. Robin is canadian. She is outcasted slightly because of her nationality and she is a new york city news caster. She doesn't have much of a family. Barney and Ted were both in love with her. Robin defies the typical female role because she is strong and independent. This show is very realistic. This is a very odd friend group considering they all do not have much in common, but of course it is possible.

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