Time.com realized an article on the transition from bruce Jenner to Cait Jenner. She was a former olympian and TV start on Keeping Up With the Kardashians. She realized the information that she had long identified as a women, I along with many other people are very skeptical. Usual reality Tv shows would feature Jenner as a fun haps person. Jenner has taken the broadcasting of her transformation as a platform for define the ways in which the public sees transgender people and describe the world from a transgender perspective along with the associated challenges. Her goal is to be a real reality show, apparently. Time described the families emotions as “remarkably unremarkable”. While I do believe her family's emotions are real, I do see this as another publicity stunt by the Jenner's. Jenner show will be broken down into three key events in 2015. The first was her interview with Diane Sawyer where she announcing her transition. The next was her picture on the cover of Vanity Fair. The final one was her acceptance of the ESPY’s award where she described her new found motive in life. She hopes to shed light on the topic of transgender and show the real struggle that people face. Jenner also mentions showing the different definitions of the public world.
The one line in this article that infuriated me was, "But for all its unwillingness to indulge whatever is dark in Jenner’s life, the show has an apparent willingness, at least in its first episode, to place Jenner’s ease of life in contrast to that of a family who accepted their son but lost him anyway". If your son was really a transgender as he claimed he has been most of his life his family would not be sad that they "lost their son". they should feel like they never had one in the first place, if he was female identified. I also believe the media is way too focused on Jenner, a great example is this: Caitlyn Jenner won the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. The runner-up was Army veteran Noah Galloway, who lost an arm and leg to a roadside bomb in Iraq, and now competes in Crossfit events, runs marathons and competed in the 58-hour Death Race. Many also believe it could have been Lauren Hill, a 19-year-old college basketball player who died of cancer, should have won.
Is the media focused on Jenner because of her transition or because it is an already well known name?
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